We love British cars and their owners! We love to discuss British cars at meets, shows, and driving events!

With that understanding, BMC has the following shop policies

Labor Rate

$115 per hour. We ask for a deposit at the beginning of ALL projects

New Customers

Any new car to our shop will receive a thorough inspection (+/- 3 hours, $300) to determine a baseline understanding of the health of the car. The customer is welcome during this process and will receive a written inspection report of the findings. There is no obligation to have us perform any of the work recommended


Wednesday through Sunday. We are open BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, and CLOSED MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS. We have adopted these hours to accommodate customers who want to participate in their repair and restoration process on weekend days

Part Purchases

We ONLY ORDER PARTS FOR CARS WE ARE CURRENTLY WORKING ON. We will sell parts from our existing inventory across the counter at list price. PARTS MUST BE PICKED UP WITHIN 14 DAYS OR THEY WILL BE RETURNED TO INVENTORY. Leave a message or email with inquiries

Contacting Us

If you have questions, LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE SHOP VOICEMAIL, TEXT, OR EMAIL. Someone will respond within 24 hours. WITHOUT A MESSAGE WE WILL NOT RESPOND

Please do not drop in without pre-arrangement. We plan regular Open House days to ogle, yammer, laugh, and catch up with our wonderful customers. Our business is to repair and maintain British cars for drivability, and with a very small staff, we must get as much done as possible during the work week

Of course, if you want to talk cars with Chad, you can invite him out for beers and/or meals anytime!

We thank you for respecting our changes, and we look forward to continuing the passion for keeping classic British cars on the road—cheers!